What is Fertile Quality Cervical Mucus and why so important?
Normally ,the characteristics of the cervical fluid that your body produces changes throughout your cycle.
So, the volume and consistency of cervical fluid you see in the first half of your cycle should look and feel different than the cervical fluid you see when you are about to ovulate.
This is often referred to as Egg White Cervical Mucus (EWCM)
Egg White Cervical Mucus (EWCM)
This cervical fluid that shows up during your fertile window usually should be slippery, translucent and stretchable, just like raw egg whites.
This fertile-quality cervical mucus, which has a pH of about 7 (which matches the pH of semen) plays an important role in providing a protective and nourishing environment for sperm health and movement from the cervix to the uterus for fertilization to take place.
Ways To Increase The Quality & Quantity of Cervical Mucus
Here are ways to increase the quality & quantity of Cervical Mucus or Fluid to aid a healthy fertility process:
1. Stay Hydrated :
Drink water frequently as the cervical mucus is made up of 96% water.
2. Use only water- based lubricants:
For TTC ( trying to conceive) couples, only water -based, non- spermicidal lubricants that mimick the natural cervical mucus are recommended
3. Avoid the use of :
- Scented chemical -based feminine products
- Nicotine & Nicotine containing products
- Caffeine & Caffeine containing products. They lead to dehydration
4. Take Supplements
- Evening Primrose Oil
- Borage Seed oil
- Omega 3-6-9 Fatty Acids
- L- arginine
- Beta carotene
- Vitamin A
- Dandelion
- Licorice e.t.c
5. Increase consumption of:
- Green Vegetables. They make the body more alkaline and increases CM production
- Carrots. They are rich in Beta-carotene
- Grape fruits & Citrus fruits. They increase the quality & quantity of CM.